Together with Carrie Rong, I got the chance to make a small booklet for the Pre-Master, including everyone’s project. The book showed the progress of the projects, thereby showing everyone’s playfulness before the final exhibition. This act of playing, testing boundaries, experimenting, and not worrying became the starting point of this book.

Juliët Nijland

The beautifully risoprinted cover was designed and made by Carrie. Next to that, Carrie wrote a wonderful introduction to this book, connecting play to our Pre-Master.
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland

These two pages show the projects ‘From Now to Now’ by Carrie Rong and ‘Feelings of Failing’ by me, which later changed into ‘Grieving Letters to a Shed’.
Juliët Nijland

These two pages show the projects ‘My Feelings Landscape’ by Elena Grippo and ‘Soap Species’ by Sára Kučerová.
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland

The beautifully risoprinted cover was designed and made by Carrie. Next to that, Carrie wrote a wonderful introduction to this book, connecting play to our Pre-Master.
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland

These two pages show the projects ‘From Now to Now’ by Carrie Rong and ‘Feelings of Failing’ by me, which later changed into ‘Grieving Letters to a Shed’.
Juliët Nijland

These two pages show the projects ‘My Feelings Landscape’ by Elena Grippo and ‘Soap Species’ by Sára Kučerová.
Juliët Nijland

The last visual statement takes the next step, by saying that anything can be a book. By defining a book as a space-time sequence, a book can become a performace, an exhibition or an artwork with multiple dimensions.

Together with Carrie Rong, I got the chance to make a small booklet for the Pre-Master, including everyone’s project. The book showed the progress of the projects, thereby showing everyone’s playfulness before the final exhibition. This act of playing, testing boundaries, experimenting, and not worrying became the starting point of this book.