Hello, my name is Juliët Nijland. I am twenty-one years old. Last summer, in 2023, I graduated as a Graphic Designer from the ArtEZ Academy of the Arts in Zwolle. Following my graduation, I pursued the Pre-Master’s programme at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, aiming to delve deeper into unexplored areas and to keep challenging myself in developing a meaningful design methodology and philosophy.

My design approach combines analogue and digital techniques, prioritising functionality alongside aesthetics. Within this approach, I strive to blend digital precision with the imperfections of craftsmanship. These two paradoxical elements create a space for me in which they become part of an interconnected relationship, resulting in a design methodology that gives meaning through the lens of experimentation. In this dialogue, I mainly specialise in creating (abstract) imagery by exploring the tangibility of different materials.

Recently, I realised the importance of writing in my design process. Creating narratives helps me to conceptualise my projects and gain deeper insights into my work. I am passionate about crafting designs and narratives that strike the right balance between form and content. I always try to approach my subjects with a positive attitude and anticipation, which helps me explore the possibilities that lie within. By reflecting afterwards and during, I try to find the red thread through everything I create, say, and do.

My critical and analytical eye ensures that I can assess and refine my work until it meets my standards. When collaborating, I bring a sense of responsibility to tackle challenges and to navigate complexities alongside fellow students or designers, contributing to decision-making processes.

Contact: julietnijland@gmail.com @searchforjuliet
Click here to download my Curriculum Vitae.
Pictures on this page by
Luca Oosterloo.
This website is designed
and developed by Juliët.
Pictures on this page by
Luca Oosterloo.

This website is designed
and developed by Juliët.
Hi, my name is Juliët Nijland, a twenty-one year old designer. In 2023, I graduated as a Graphic Designer at ArtEZ Academy of the Arts.

As a graphic designer, I try to create new designs through the combination of analogue and digital techniques, with a balance between functionality and aesthetics. I enjoy working with typography, abstracted imagery and exploring the tangibility of materials. Within this way of working, experimentation plays an important factor in working towards results.

Tactility, especially within printmaking, is a subject that has become central to many of my projects over the years. In my work, I look for a compilation of the perfection of digitally created work and the imperfection implied by craft, which I enjoy and devote myself to. I am passionate about finding a design that is right, in form and content. I often approach my subjects with a positive attitude and prefer to look for the possibilities. In my view, it makes sense to look ahead and to search for what the future may bring.

My critical and analytical eye ensures that I can value my work and repeat processes until the design is exactly as I desire. The sense of responsibility I bring to collaborations ensures that I enjoy making the critical decisions and cutting through knots with fellow students or other designers.