murder-statistics.csv is a coded book, based on basil.js. Using Dutch murder statistics, the book was created based on different categories (age, method and location) in which 1 line was set for each murder. This book emerged from my project ‘De Rode Draad’, and is linked to it in terms of visual language.

Juliët Nijland

The book cover was made of textile, with slightly loose ends, linking it to the visual style of 'De Rode Draad'.
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland

The book cover was made of textile, with slightly loose ends, linking it to the visual style of 'De Rode Draad'.
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland
Juliët Nijland

murder-statistics.csv is a coded book, based on basil.js. Using Dutch murder statistics, the book was created based on different categories (age, method and location) in which 1 line was set for each murder. This book emerged from my project ‘De Rode Draad’, and is linked to it in terms of visual language.